
New Holiday 2009 DCS Goods

Now I may be biased ONLY cause that's how I roll however I believe this is the best quality threads we have had EVER! ARE YOU HEARING ME PEOPLE, EEEEvvvvveeeeRRR! We have been working hard on our brand for you, the consumer so don't rest on these customer of ours, we are trying to deliver...how they say on the sneaker sites say ''Straight Fire''!

Everything new, NEW Tee's, NEW Hoods, NEW decks, AND NEW wheels. It looks good trust us plus our mommy likes them too. Real good quality, real good price.

So get on down to either Detroit City Skateboard locations where if you support us, we will support you, except if you have a weird OCD habit or smell like straight wet dog ass then well your on your own...errrr um,, sh?t I gotta go.....

Signed, Detroit City Skateboards -

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