
Happy Halloween Weekend!

HAPPY WHOREULEEN! Let's be safe out there tonight everybody, or if you get into any trouble just ask yourselfs what would the fine gents from DSC skate shop do? Actually don't think that unless you wake up in Tijuana with a butterknife in your back and a huge Mexican dressed as the toothfairy riding a donkey in a hotel room jungling a 3 bags of nose-candy and the first thing to pop in your head is ''Holy SH"*T, what happened to my bag of Halloween candy''?!...or something more realistic. Ha, errrr Halloween '03 will you ever let me forget.

Happy Halloween Weekend friends of ours!

Signed, Detroit City Skateboards -


2009 Vision Skate Competition. WATERFORD DUDES LISTEN UP!

SOooooo what are you doing on Halloween? Passing out some candy? Watching your brother eat candy? Or wiping your mouth from puking up all that candy?

Well our boy Bradley is putting together a skate comp over at the WCA in Waterford, check the flyer above for time and info. GET ON THIS and pull tricks out of your bag like candy son~!

Signed, Detroit City Skateboards -


New Holiday 2009 Osiris Footwear

Something that we have not seen awhile 'round here are some midgets Osiris footwear. WHY? Who knows! Well we have seen the errors of our ways and have some brand spanking new Holiday Osiris's in both DSC locations.

Here's the shake-down:
* Osiris South Bronx ''Ghetto Blaster''
* Osiris Chino Low ''Purple''
* Osiris Chino Mid ''Vice City''
* Osiris Shuriken Mid ''Red-White-Black ''

So get on over to Detroit City Skateboards and shop where the pro's shop, even though the pro's don't shop at our stores, however I'm sure if they had the chance they would?!?! right, RIGHT?!?! Eh...who am I kiddin' they'd probably just over flow the toilets and leave a beer can stuffed in the sink drain, classy.

Signed, Detroit City Skateboards -


New Holiday 2009 Lakai ''WTWTA'' Apparel

So have you seen ''Where The Wild Things Are'' yet? NO! Well now you can purchase some proproganda for a night at the theater. Now available at both Detroit City Skateboard locations.

So get on down to us, where we always have toliet paper for that most of excited customer!

Signed, Detroi City Skateboards -


New Holiday 2009 DCS Goods

Now I may be biased ONLY cause that's how I roll however I believe this is the best quality threads we have had EVER! ARE YOU HEARING ME PEOPLE, EEEEvvvvveeeeRRR! We have been working hard on our brand for you, the consumer so don't rest on these customer of ours, we are trying to deliver...how they say on the sneaker sites say ''Straight Fire''!

Everything new, NEW Tee's, NEW Hoods, NEW decks, AND NEW wheels. It looks good trust us plus our mommy likes them too. Real good quality, real good price.

So get on down to either Detroit City Skateboard locations where if you support us, we will support you, except if you have a weird OCD habit or smell like straight wet dog ass then well your on your own...errrr um,, sh?t I gotta go.....

Signed, Detroit City Skateboards -


Extremely Sorry FOR REAL!


Okay here's the deal...SOMEtime this week we should be receiving the DVD above when this happens we are going to announce via Twitter: detroitcskate when it's available. When this happens you have 1 hour to purchase it for $18 dollars +tax, sounds good right? All you have to do is check our Twitter or Myspace for the password when you get the password you will have 1 hour from the post to get ur ass to either location and BUY Extremely Sorry for only 18 dollars, after that the price goes back up to 30 dollars! SOoooo...keep us on your favorites for EXtremely large savings!

Signed, Detroit City Skateboards -


IT'S OFFICIAL: The Hundreds are coming to DCS!

IT'S OFFICIAL. The Hundreds brand is coming to both Detroit City Skateboards locations. Never heard of them?! Well don't worry cause they never heard of you either, but coming Black Friday will be the perfect time to introduce yourself to a brand that has set it's roots in skateboarding and photography.

For more info check out their blog, it's great like a hot date: http://www.thehundreds.com/wordpress/

Signed, Detroit City Skateboards -


New Holiday 2009 Etnies Clothing

Dang can you believe summer is really over! It's almost freaking Jesus's Birthday AKA Christmas! It just seems like yesterday I was walking out my front door in the hood sucking down some 40 oz. malt liquor with some Black n Mild's, while I watched Smokey take a shat in my good bushes while turning just in time to see Deebo take off with my bike. Man I tell you what, I have got to move out of the ghetto, Birmingham is getting way too dangerous!

You know what's not ghetto the new Etnies Holiday clothing line that has showed up. At least somethings are showing up...(eh-em Extremely Sorry, where the giblets are you?). Alot of nice soild colorways and cuts from Etnies this holiday season. Get on this.

So get on down to either Detroit City Skateboards, where every dollar you spend here will go to get the homeless off the streets by which I mean me. You will be keeping me off the streets. WHAT?, I can't go without shelter. I'm danty the homeless will have their way with me.

Signed, Detroit City Skateboards -


Support Your Local

This is pretty rad. Nike SB and Todd Jordan www.nike.com/nikeskateboarding/apparel/ took sometime out of their schedules to do a little photography of core shops with Uprise in Chicago being one of them. It's true no matter what anyone says we are ALL alittle protective of our skate shops and try to defend them against mall, fakers or rival skate shops. But putting all that jealously and hate aside this is a really nice idea Nike SB has put together and if you are in the Chicago area please check out the shop above. We have had the pleasure of draining a keg with these fellows once during the summer and while I don't know who was stupider us or them, either way good times were ah'appenin'!

Please always SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL no matter whom it may be!

Signed, Detroit City Skateboards -


New Holiday 2009 Volcom Clothing

So is it wrong that I am always so right?! Even when I tell a baby to grow up and stop being such a little b*tch. Whatever Aunt Lisa that baby had what was coming to her! No one blows chunks on me and giggles without paying the pied-pipper! Stupid Baby....

Speaking of babies, New Volcom Holiday clothing in both Detroit City Skateboard locations. If you haven't ever been down with Volcom cause of their mall roots well now is the time to get off that high horse of yours and buy something with some freakin quality. I have been supporting Volcom almost since year one, they make good sh*t so get on board....you dill-hole!

So get on down to Detroit City Skateboards where we say if you can't beat them, just have them beaten up! Or something hard-core like dat, ya herd!

Signed, Detroit City Skateboards -


October 2009 Nike SB Footwear Release

My favorite time of the month, YUP new Playboy issue October Nike SB's...Yay! The month's colorways look really good almost as good as my cousin in a short shirt standing in front of the worlds largest beer piramid located right next a mustang filled with crisp 20 dollar bills. YEE-HA, my wet hillbilly fantasy, won't you ever come true!?!?

Now do up your dreams with a new crip pair of Nike SB's, available at the Detroit City Skateboards Waterford location.

Here's the shake-down:
*P.Rod 3 ''Midnight Fog''
*Dunk Mid ''J-Pack Blue''
*Dunk Low ''Halloween''
*Blazer ''Aqua-Marine''

So get on down to either Detroit City Skateboards where only we can make your wildest dreams come true. Stop thinking naughty, it's not that kind of dream we just want to sell you stuff dawg!

Signed, Detroit City Skateboards -