
New Fall 2009 I-Path Footwear

Is it wrong that I am typing this while I'm actually in a Burger King bathroom, however I am not getting ''busy'' unless busy to you means eating an ''angry Whopper'' on the crapper, then yes I am GETTIN' BUSY..ya herd!

On the update...NEW EYE-PATCH in stock! F*ck, wait stupid peice of lettece stuck under my keyboard (HOLD PLEASE)......,.....,.....(GOT IT), New I-Path in stock at both Detroit City Skateboard locations. Very solid colorways with hemp and suede materials from the I-Path. Along with the shoes we have received some I-Path, tee's and hats!

Here's the shake-down:

*Grasshopper ''Black Rasta Hemp''
*Locust ''Charcoal''
*Reed Mid ''Forest Green''
*Reed Mid ''Natural Hemp''

So get on down to either Detroit City Skateboards where if don't buy some I-Path shoes quickly we may just smoke them! HEMP BABY. HEMP! HA.

Signed, Detroit City Skateboards -

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