
New Sector 9 Longboards Now Available

Scene 1:

(in the movie guy voice):

In a world, in a place, where nothing else matters but yourself. He was a young boy, a boy with a dream, a boy that wanted to go places, a boy with only his pride, his dog ''Oscar'' and his Sector 9 skateboard purchased from a local skateboard shop.

(scene darkens)

This Summer ''Dumbass Entertainment'', ''Coor's Light'', ''Pizza Hut'' and ''Detroit City Skateboards'' brings you the blockbuster sale of the summer.

(stop intense music)

....SECTOR 9 Longboards, Now Purchasing at all Detroit City Skateboards!

(scene end).

So do what the phony movie guy above says and get to Detroit City Skateboards to purchase a Sector 9 longboard, they're''''GREAT!

Signed, Detroit City Skateboards -

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